
Subject Matter Hearing on Ending Money Bond This Tuesday, October 20th!

On Tuesday, October 20th, the Illinois General Assembly’s Special Committee on Public Safety is holding a subject matter hearing on ending money bond. The hearing will include structured testimony by proponents and opponents of bond reform in front of the committee members. This hearing is an important step towards a vote on legislation that will end money bond and make all of our communities safer by dramatically decreasing the number of people incarcerated while awaiting trial in Illinois.

We’ll be sharing a link for you to watch the hearing on this event page but until then, make sure to file a witness slip in support of bond reform! It only takes a minute to send a clear message to our legislators that now is the time for Illinois to end its wealth-based pretrial system!

To file a witness slip:

1. Go to this link: https://my.ilga.gov/WitnessSlip/Create?committeeHearingId=17748&legislationId=0&legislationdocumentid=0

2. Fill out the form with your information. Note that most fields are mandatory. If you do not officially represent a firm or organization, please write “SELF.”

3. For position, please click “PROPONENT.”

4. For testimony, choose “record of appearance only.”

5. To submit the created slip, accept the terms and click the “create slip” button.

Thank you for supporting pretrial freedom in Illinois!

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